Computer Forensics and Cloud Computing

I can’t get excited about this term the cloud because as long as we have had networks we have had the cloud, even grandma with a Gmail account can be classed as “in the cloud” but I suspect she will be as unimpressed with the name as I am. Saving your data or holding your data on remote servers is nothing new.

From a Forensic Computing standpoint until there is full hosted desktop solutions available and more importantly used by more people nothing much will change. Forensic tools will still track user activity via Internet Explorer and your username and password to your hosted accounts will still be available to a determined investigator. At HD Forensics we have been addressing the issue of online storage for a long time and tools such as NA have great filters to help the investigator find links to online storage. The writer of NA or Netanalysis is Mr Craig Wilson and without his product my investigations would take twice the time.

MC Ware expect the take up of online desktop products from vmware and citrix to increase by 25% in 2010 for our customer base.

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